I have been a papercrafter for many, many years. Oh no, I am giving away my age!
I was born in California. I have lived overseas in Saudi Arabia, in Phoenix, AZ and now I am in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO. I love the weather, the mountains, the snow and the beauty that surrounds me every day. Also, my immediate family is here which is a big plus. I have been a Paralegal since 1995, with a few stints in retail management prior to and in between. I am at a place in my life where I can finally concentrate on my business, my customers, and my team members and deliver the great value and customer service you all deserve. Crafting is my passion, but sharing what I love with you is the icing on the cake, so to speak!!
My amazing Son and beautiful Daughter-In-Law live in North West Colorado and are very close to me. I also have the most amazing, funny, and sweet Grand Puppy! Her name is Macie, AKA Mace Face. This Grammy loves her Grand Puppy so much!!!!
Purple Paisley Papers
by: Darla Foster
Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator

Baseball is my FAVE sport EVER!
I am an "all in" Colorado Rockies Fan

My Handsome Son, Brandon and my Beautiful Daughter-In-Law, Jillian

The sweetest pup EVER! This is my Grand Dog, Macie! She likes baseball too!!!! Grammie loves you, Macie!!!
Raegan Grace's feet in her Daddy's hands.